In January 2022 it was reported Pope Francis said "getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is a “moral obligation” as part of caring for the health of oneself and others and urged on international efforts to vaccinate the world’s population": https://www.voanews.com/a/pope-francis-calls-covid-19-vaccination-moral-obligation-/6390278.html

He was another faux "voice of authority" pontificating on something he knows nothing about...

Why has he taken it upon himself to be so vociferous on this issue? Who is behind him pushing this agenda?

How to quantify the damage done by such characters?

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Thanks Paul. I had heard about these comments by the Pope, but seeing them again is disappointing to say the least, and I'm somewhat surprised at his “toxic labelling”. Unfortunately, a week doesn't go by now that profound unethical and immoral issues and decisions are being made by people globally.

The volume and speed of these inhumane decisions are of course being made by people and groups in some authority. Never in modern history have we been so bereft of genuine 'good' leadership on the planet. This is a time of great change, and I can't help but wonder if we will recover from it...

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The latest lunacy from Pope Frank (Wank). What else can be expected out of South America. And North America is no better at present. Witness Justin Castro and the disaster across the border.

We have a plague of Loony Left, Witless Woke Wankers on the loose, including in Australia.

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I was raised a Catholic who now cannot abide a fraudulent Pope. I have been a staunch Monarchist who now cannot abide a globalist, politicised fraudulent King.

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I listened to God, as did many others. Pope very disappointing.

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Great article ..No way the pope got vaxed..his part of the cabal a satanical freak pedo..the more verbal diarrhea the more he gets paid whether it's in kind of extra gold for the Vatican vault or an extra pair of gold y fronts along with his other fetishes..shame on him..!!!

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Never ever rated this Pope. In fact Catholicism is generally riven with error.

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