I wish it was so. The parts of the world it seems to be happening are where the screws have been turned the hardest. People only come alive when their livelihoods dry up. In Aussie the government is doing everything it can to catch up with the more regressive countries but I fear, with an election coming, they are cooking as many books as they can so nobody can really know how bad things are. Inflation is sticky, power is only going up, taxes are only going up. They have lost the agriculture vote and most of the religious vote and anyone trying to buy or rent knows there is a real problem. Businesses are going bust at an alarming rate but youth unemployment is still low. Makes no sense to me. I think we must descend further into the abyss. Bring on the ute tax and the manufacturing grift but we still have the problems of the uniparty, offering no real change, and the suicidal media determined to self immolate. Anyway thanks for the rays of hope, Bobs your uncle and the sun shines in The Lucky Country.

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They are not nice people these elites and they will fight tooth and nail to keep us down.

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There are pockets of rebellion but the imbeciles that run this country are still pushing forward with their wicked agenda. These imbeciles think that we are stupid and cannot see it. But it doesn’t matter what western country you live in it is the same imbecilic class that is in charge.

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