Excellent, though highly depressing article. Even though that is exactly what I believe we have lived through the past few decades, and can only wish I was sufficiently articulate to have put it in words myself, it is still disturbing to see it put so succinctly.

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Wonderful. We had lovely evening of listening to Peter Hitchens and then found a Spectator evening with Douglas Murray and Sir Roger Scruton. This one goes well with Frank Wright's latest thoughtful piece on the Traumatology and Multipolarity and the New World Order. It is a frightening place to be when there is no one in power who seems to speak for the ordinary person who is subjected to conditions, overcrowding, poor health services, poor English speakers and just people everywhere. I hang onto my God and saviour jets Christ and took to eternal life-knowing tis is not all there is.

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So Blair was/is a closet Trot. How does that gel with his rabid support of the neocon twit, Bush Jnr?

Must be some strange bedfellows in the elite bordello.

PGGWC ? I can't even read tea leaves let alone alphabet soup. English translation please.

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It at the beginning of the article-Progressive, Globalist, Green, Woke, Covid Class.

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