Indeed. It was going to be anything but a cash cow, Being paid to take people out to lunch just bewilders me.

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I self manage my daughter’s and I used a plan manager for a very short time to assist with a review. Expensive and their help underwhelming.

I also had an OT write a report that was dismal and ridiculously expensive. I found there was no where I could have their shoddy work reviewed. OT association took no interest.

I have also shaken my head at the plan reviewers. After going to the trouble and expense of submitting 7 reports, they were obviously not read or read and not comprehended.

I’ve a tertiary degree so I’ve been able to navigate the process. But it’s so difficult I know why folk reach out to plan managers. Carers lives are more chaotic than most and staying on top of the paperwork is a must when self managing.

I look at the high streets shop fronts and now I see all the NDIS practitioners occupy the spaces. OT, Physio, speechie, plan managers etc.

The nation’s growth sector is definitely the dis-abled and/or damaged (vaccine injuries).

Ambulances are constantly on the roads, no longer an occasional sight.

Excess deaths, all cause mortality has risen from 3% to 18%+, we no longer know how high they are because the ABS has changed their model and removed transparency.

There is a war going on - silently - because the mainstream media is captured.

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agency officials revealed evidence indicating up to 90 per cent of plan managers were committing fraud.

If this is true and I assume it is then We are doomed!

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