If the Mouth from the South is in such peril I'm sure that there is a high security prison with a nice solitary cell available for her. She can wait there in safety for her trial.

There may well be a threat to her health IF she was injected with the poison she was mandating for others. More likely she had a few jabs with a syringe filled with normal saline.

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"This all smells like carefully constructed narrative building to me."

A similar narrative to the media's extrusions after Jordan Peterson's spectacular trouncing of Cathy Newman. Poor Cathy, so many H8ers! She's a victim! Well, now she and Jacinda can share a hug and a chocolate biscuit. Sisterhood forever, right?


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This disgraceful woman’s behaviour in office represented everything that the globalist NWO threatened regarding our freedoms. Her way or the highway. She complains of being a victim of misogyny yet.gained her world fame as a socialist, NWO supporting female.

I was with Paul Collits in Third Form… I can assure you he was always considered by his peers as an academic giant…

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