All of the comments in this article are valid but the one over riding reason for crazy property prices is the insane immigration policy foisted on the nation by incredible greed and stupidity in the Clowns In Power.

Too many people competing for too few resources. Result - chaos.

There is no intrinsic advantage in a population level beyond what is viable in the long term. But there are many extreme disadvantages.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16

Very valid arguments. Now the planning department is relaxing the rules even more. In My area south of Sydney, Dapto, there are plans for high rise, high density housing, low cost housing and more social housing. If there is a block of land or a see shops that are old and need someone to lobe them they are knocked down and lo and behold high rise will occur. I did the feedback form bemoaning this very silly idea to relax the panning and bud more high rise but I have very little faith that any notice will be taken.

Driving through Sydney these days is a dystopian nightmare. High rise and communist style buildings everywhere. Has anyone been to Meadowbank lately? It looks like a Gulag or China.

Immigration needs to stop.

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