Once again, a top article, Paul. Your reference to the Pell conviction is important. It was transparent to any rational observer who examined the facts surrounding the charges against George Pell, that they were preposterous. The very fact that the charges closely aligned with the narrative in an article from the U.S. magazine ‘Rolling Stone’ from some years before indicated that. I was shocked by the depth of deception and corruption of the Victorian Police in their pursuit of Pell.

The events of the last four years surrounding the Covid pandemic and the rollout of the mRNA injectables have upended my previous rather naïve understanding of how society operates, and in particular, how easy it is for persons and organisations skilled in sociopathy to manipulate the mass perceptions of whole populations. Only now has there some small admission in the corporate media that the mRNA injectables have caused severe damage and death to many people, but of course the ‘health’ bureaucracy and the medical profession generally remain in complete denial, and continue to promote the mRNA injectables as some sort of wonder drug. Five years ago, I would not have dreamt that such profound evil was possible in a Western country – especially Australia – but now I know better. It is as if I have eaten of ‘The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil’ (Genesis) and, having lost my sociological innocence, can now see things more clearly. The matter of the toxic injectables has a long way yet to run, and the politicians & bureaucrats ducking for cover will eventually find no place to hide. You cannot kill tens of thousands of people in Australia with an experimental pharmaceutical and hope to get away with it.

But coming back to the matter of George Pell and his wrongful conviction - in my newfound paranoia, I suspect that there possibly might have been a connection with what has occurred over the last five years and his removal from any position of influence. Let me explain. George Pell was an intelligent man, but a blunt speaker – he told things like they were. (He displayed some of the characteristics of Aspergers). For this reason, he was not liked by his peers in the Catholic Church. The lack of any meaningful reaction to his kangaroo-court trials suggests to me that some of them were happy to see him put away. Most people (especially media people) don’t understand that the Catholic Church is really governed by the local bishops – ultimately that is where the real power lies – it is called ‘subsidiarity’. However, generally speaking, Pell’s brother bishops could be described as pretty weak, fearful men. With a few exceptions, they prefer to adopt a low profile and usually go along with the prevailing cultural ethos in the fast-degrading West. They do not stick their heads out. For example, most Australian Catholic bishops have failed to make any real effort to push back against the adoption of the deeply unchristian state-sponsored euthanasia in Australia, or unrestricted abortion, for that matter. The situation is much worse in the U.S. where the majority of Catholic bishops just ‘go-along-to-get-along’ with the deeply degraded anti-Christian Biden administration. (There are a couple of exceptions). And then there is the matter of the erratic, mentally unstable, elderly Argentinian gentleman who was elected pope eleven years ago in controversial circumstances – immediately supported by a blaze of what seemed to be pre-arranged very favourable publicity in the Western media. The nature of his election has been written about – but never discussed in the lying corporate media.

With regard to the declaration, management, and the extraordinary international coordination of the response to the Covid Pandemic - those who have taken the trouble to look at the evidence can see clear evidence of pre-planning. (Just Google ‘Event 201’ and note the dates of the planning meetings). None of the things that have happened in the last five years make much sense as coincidental occurrences. There is a well-founded suspicion by many who have looked at the evidence surrounding the mass deployment of the experimental mRNA genetic injectables, that it was long in the planning. We even have a situation where a secular (agnostic) Jew – former Professor Bret Weinstein – was wondering whether some sort of quasi-satanic force had engineered the Covid situation and the massive transfer of wealth that it brought into effect.

Back to George Pell again. Cardinal Pell had considerable influence internationally in the Catholic Church and was regarded as uncorruptible. If he had remained in his position of influence, and given the nature of his no-nonsense personality, he could have presented a serious threat to the cabal that wished to push ahead with the universal rollout of an experimental pharmaceutical genetic product that had not been subjected to the normal multi-year evaluation process – especially one that tragically triggered spontaneous abortions and appears to have rendered many young woman infertile. What do you do with a contrarian such as Pell? The answer is - you pull out all stops to discredit him and lock him up. I could say a lot more on this subject, but time and space does not permit it. But is my pattern recognition nothing but another ‘Conspiracy Theory’? (By the way – many are not aware that ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is a pejorative term first used by the CIA in the 1960s in the wake of the Kennedy assassination). Well – if you read Victor Davis Hanson’s latest book on civilisational collapses in history, you will find that the collapsed civilisations never saw it coming. Their arrogance of assumed superiority was such that they effectively dismissed any Jeremiahs as – you guessed it – ‘Conspiracy Theorists’.

(PS: Some observers have remarked that George Pell’s premature and unexpected death during what should have been a ‘routine’ surgical procedure in a Rome hospital has a certain stench about it. All credit to Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney for allowing George Pell to be interred in the crypt of St Mary’s Cathedral, where his mortal remains will remain safe from the demoniacs who attempted to defile his memory during life – particularly the banshees sponsored by the ABC).

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Good piece. I commend you for still reading the Oz. Sheridan and his pals just drove me away. They still trot him out on Sky.

Both the Pell and the Trump cases were travesties if justice and in Pell’s case have forever ruined the agencies that went after him. The American justice system is a mess and decidedly unjust mostly.

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It's funny how brazen and out-in-the-open hypocritical the left are these days. If Trump was a repeat-offending black guy who actually physically hurts others he'd be a "justice-impacted individual", not a convicted felon.

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