I didn’t know that about Michael Kroger. I did hear him say that Pesutto was basically a nice guy. I thought that was odd, given Pesutto’s behaviour after the Let Women Speak rally.

The neo Nazis had to be a plant - policemen is the best explanation so far. The lack of curiosity from journalists is strange.

Kroger did go to Israel and the sight of the massacre. That was a plus for me.

I am exceedingly disappointed that Kroger advised Pesutto to go after Moira Deeming.

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Yes, the saluting folks in black never made sense other than contrived theatre to discredit the women's event.

You always know where someone falls on the debate if they call Let Women Speak "anti-trans", rather than "pro women".

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Brilliant- 100% correct! How did the Liberal Party turn itself into basically a hard leftist internationalist organization spouting all the neo Marxist, post modernist and green agenda propaganda and viewpoints? Why does it continue to exist and can it be redeemed? It is no longer the Liberal Party and nor can it be said to be centre right. It is a left of centre party plain and simple.

Apart from a handful of Libs at the Federal level (one of whom is being put down the Senate list so he is kicked out), the Fed opposition is not a lot better!

Peter Dutton is slightly better than the incumbent PM but will continue to encourage the growth of big government, high taxes, a bloated welfare state, will not protect civil liberties, and will follow the US neo con foreign policy. We are all doooomed!

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Very well said sir. Pesutto is cringeworthy.

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Moira a jewel in Victoria Lib effluent party.

As for Kroger the is just a better dressed union thug in my opinion.


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Paul I love your work and I loved this

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