Very comprehensive and thought provoking.

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There are some valid issues raised in this post. However, there is one standout fallacious one and that is Ukraine.

Putin is a murderous psychopath with delusions of grandeur. An ex KGB thug who has acquired the usual conga line of suckholes. He was bumped up to the presidency of the Russian Federation by the ex communist and lush, Boris Yeltsin. He regrets the passing of the USSR with its millions of dead.

Anybody who opposes his regime is likely to end up in prison or dead, even if they have fled overseas.

Any person with even rudimentary knowledge of 20th century history should be able to see Putin's resemblance to Hitler, Stalin and Mao and now Xi.

Ukraine has been a part of the Russian empire since Tsar Peter (the great). It was colonized by Russians, particularly in the East. But that doesn't mean that the Ukrainians have ever lost their national consciousness. When the USSR disintegrated they seized the chance to assert their status as a nation. As did Georgia, Poland and the Baltic states. For Ukraine it was a hard row to hoe, mainly due to the presence of the Russian minority and the interference of Putin & Co.

It was made even harder due to the gutlessness of the Europeans and the USA. Ukraine and Georgia should have been in NATO years ago regardless of all the nuclear bluster from Russia. It is bluff and bluster from a weak position but Putin thinks he can put it over the pathetic PC pixies in the West. So far he has been on a winner of sorts.

It is up to the democratic nations of the world to ensure that Putin and entourage revert to their natural state - losers.

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