Howard must take plenty of blame for the state of the country post 2006. If he'd handed over to Costello and hadn't been crazed for power like all of his ilk, I doubt silly Kevvy would ever have been elected or the clown world that followed, ensued.

He also had the chance to shut down the wicked "Family Courts" aka involuntary divorce regime but capitulated to the legal vultures, of which of course he was one. Child stealing is a massive industry and our learned friends weren't going to let that revenue stream slip away without a fight.

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Greed, on all points, and Family Court is a black hole, particularly for those with little funding.

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Brilliant - Howard just lapped up the neo Con nonsense- he's not even half way to the light side. The contrast with Blair is a good one- I think the difference is the left felt totally betrayed - but now the left stands right behind all the same neo con philosophy - how did that come about!

Not to forget Howard told everyone in the Liberal Party to support Turnball! He should be condemned on that count forever. That's more than being tone deaf.

And spot on re Sherridan. He's still banging on about the China threat and drumming for the war in the Ukraine

The whole Liberal Party needs to spend a weekend with Ron Paul! He might be able to knock some sense into them!

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Poor John Howard. Struck down by the Dementia associated, but unnamed, mental illness that has sadly struck down previous Liberal ‘has been’ PM’s. This illness causes the victim to turn left and take up admiration and support for socialist left parties and the denigration of leaders who slightly resembled them and their politics whilst in government. Sadly no cure…. I just threw Howard’s book away.

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Surprised you bought it

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It is my opinion that it was the Turnbull disaster that lit the fuses on the slow-burning petards that are now blowing up throughout the struggling Liberal Party. It was Turnbull’s attempted ‘corporate takeover’ of the Liberals that triggered the massive flight from its membership and opened the door for all manner of opportunists, chancers, and careerists to crawl in. But in retrospect, it was Howard who put all the chess pieces in place.

Not only was Howard astonishingly naïve in welcoming the obsessively ambitious Turnbull into the Liberal Party by allowing him to politically buy his way into the electorate of Wentworth by ejecting the sitting Liberal incumbent, Peter King - but then Howard made Turnbull a minister. That enabled the usurper to achieve political take-off speed – which inevitably led to the current decline in the governance of Australia in just about all its socio-economic and ideological parameters.

So – I lay the responsibility for the decline of Menzies Liberal Party at the feet of John Howard – a yesterday’s man politician who just can’t let go, and by so doing, is destroying his own reputation as a supposedly ‘wise’ political leader. It is always better to stay silent and let one’s opponents think you are a fool, than to open one’s mouth and prove it. Howard has proved that understands nothing about Trump and the crisis that is currently under way in U.S. politics. His former colleagues need to tell him to just shut the eff up!

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Howard is a neo con who led us into unwinnable forever wars that the US started. We seem to be under the illusion that we have to follow the US down these rabbit holes. Liberal or Labor this has happened repetitively.

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We are supposed allies, trouble is the armaments industry controls the US.

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Didn’t think Howard could vote in the US election so big deal.

He should have got off the Lodge after 10 yrs instead of stay on and loose to pathetic Crud.

Might end up the Libs answer to lefts Keating without the Zegna suits.

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