Brilliant article - A tragi comedy but more tragic than comic I think!

A symbol of the rotting carcass of a dying civilization killed by its own hand. To be bleak about it!

And who takes notice of the Olympics anymore anyway?

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I turned off the Olympics eight years ago. A massive waste of host cities monies for the benefit of politicians and the IOC parasites to tour the world at their governments expense. I’m so pleased I refused to watch the opening ceremony…I just bought a TV and wouldn’t having to replace it after throwing my coffee table through it…. Europe, particularly France, is on a steep downward slope akin to the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah. That spectacle I will enjoy watching.

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I don’t and haven’t watched any sport for so long now. Professional sport is evil and its participants spoilt brats. I would not waste my time on the Olympics.

I am not sure what people expected. Nothing good came out of the French Revolution or the 60’s.

We visited Paris last year- dreadful, dirty and crowded. Outside in the smaller villages it is lovely.

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