Good to hear your pushback on the ‘cooker’ perjorative.

The diatribe was beyond disrespectful and reeked of contempt.

How Rennick can show up again and again in the face of such ignorant hostility deserves respect.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

I’ve been in contact with Gerard Rennick, a victim of the Inner City LNP clowns whose claim to fame is their repeated ability of handing government to Labor through infighting and other idiocy, and support him as one of the very few holding the blow torch to the Labor incompetents.

One would have thought that Dutton in his capacity as PM and his electorate in Brisbane would have laid down the law to the LNP Leadership over Rennick’s deselection….

Nothing surprises me any longer with the Liberals/LNP with the parties now replete with traitorous ‘moderates’ and anti-conservative cowards…

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Quoting Capnlaz:

“…a victim of the Inner City LNP clowns”.

You have nailed it, Capnlaz. I too have met Gerard Rennick – a couple of years ago he generously gave me an hour of his time regarding the facts surrounding the mRNA genetic injectables – and I came away with deep respect for the man. I live in Queensland, and because those ‘Inner City LNP clowns’ decided to dump Rennick by reshuffling their senate ticket - I will NOT be voting for the LNP again. In the next federal election, I will be voting ‘below the line’ on the Senate ballot and will be putting Rennick first, followed by a carefully curated list of other candidates who have shown courage and demonstrated honour in the Senate.

I estimate that up to about 20% of the Queensland electorate have probably woken up to the deception and damage that was done as a result of the toxic mRNA injectables that were thrust upon us, and if enough of them are motivated to also put Rennick first on that ballot, then there is a good chance that he might be re-elected. Let us keep our fingers crossed.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

‘Lapun Ozymandias’… Do I detect a PNG link?

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Half a century ago - West Sepik, Lae, Moresby. It was another lifetime…

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

Em nau! Hagen for me. Polis long Hailans

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“The ageing Murdoch scribbler, Paul Kelly, drew our attention to Bandt’s push for power in his usual erroneous and insipid defence of Australia’s UniParty system.”

Spot on, Paul Collits! Paul Kelly should have given away his mediocre ‘journalistic’ career by now and left us all in peace, but he continues to be held in reverential awe by many of the naïve younger people in the media who regard him as some sort of great oracle. The guy is a bullshit artist, and that became crystal clear the morning after the U.S. Presidential election in November 2016 when Trump was elected President of the U.S., confounding all the fake pollsters and self-appointed ‘experts’ of the lying, shallow, media, including talking heads such as Kelly.

In the edition of ‘The Australian” on the morning immediately following that election, a very long article by Paul Kelly appeared which ‘Congratulated Madame President’ (Hilary Clinton) on her victory and condemned Trump as a snivelling failure who needed to crawl away to the gutter from which he came – or words to that effect. Clearly Kelly had not bothered to carry out his own research on what was going on in the U.S. in the lead up to the election and had simply swallowed whole the bullshit self-deception that was gushing around the echo-chamber in which these third-rate ‘journalists’ exist. The article was a complete disgrace, and he had been caught out because he had obviously written it before the polls had closed, mistakenly believing that he was one of the enlightened who can predict the future course of history. The newspaper had therefore gone to press before the reality of the situation dawned on Kelly or anyone else in the Murdoch empire.

The exercise stripped away the veneer of probity which high-end ‘journalists’ clothe themselves – pretending that they are ‘experts’ on all worldly matters who need to listened to as they talk down to us - the poor unenlightened hoipolloi. In other words, the article revealed Kelly as the fake that he is – something that I had suspected for many years, but never had any hard evidence. I first twigged to this when I became aware of Kelly’s irrational hatred for Sir John Kerr, the GG who sacked Whitlam & called an immediate election to let the people resolve the political impasse of 1975.

As it happens, Greg Sheridan had an article in that same paper that morning that also assumed that Clinton had won – but unlike Kelly’s, it was not a prolonged sneer. He later apologised to his readers for his presumption, but Kelly never did. I hung on with my subscription to ‘The Australian’ for some years after that, until one day a few years ago I had had enough of the way their digital editor would reject quite innocuous comments – not just by me, but many others I spoke to – so I cancelled and have never looked back.

Anyway – well done Paul Collits!

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Tell him he is dreaming;

“Maybe, sometime soon, a modern party leader might think about trying statesmanship, talking respectfully to opponents and to voters, treating public servants (who deserve it) with decency, governing for everyone, and leaving bullying methods behind. “


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I always vote below the line and vote for people not parties. I will never vote for the coalition again.

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