The problem for us on the right is that we think about what we believe. We have many shades , similarities and differences. As an evangelical pro-life Christian I could not join the Libertarians (not called Liberal Democrats anymore) for instance. They have no boundaries. I have theological differences with Calvin and Dreher. The latter being too much about himself.

The left bury their differences and compromise so much that when they do differ it is a complete shock- look at today’s stoush over the housing bills.

We always have hope and trust that God in Christ had control and that He is working His purposes out. In the end no political party or leader is our hope. The Lord knows the beginning from the end. This is not all there is and the issue of mist importance is to be ready for eternal life.

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In the end God's will be done so seeking his wishes through prayer before ACTING is fine but God has never promised a problem free existence.

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Prayer is the key.

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Wonderful Paul.

So glad you wrote this,

It is long like a lot of your stuff but essential reading.

There are so many reasons to say my way or the highway but when we are faced with

1. being murdered

2, being enslaved

3. world war III

4. nuclear annihilation

5. being invaded

6. being silenced


I would have hoped that we would not just lie down and let it happen

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On the case, retired Amr

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