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The problem is not with libertarianism, but au contraire that despite Thatcher and Reagan government has grown bigger and more powerful- and I would not describe either has having effected a libertarian revolution although they may have reversed or arrested the the socialist trend. But big government and the welfare state remained in tact much as before. In GB of course Blair took over and the rest is history- government became more powerful, run by technocrats and individual liberties were eroded.

Rather than being taken down a libertarian road the west has become infected with a strange mix of Marxism, globalism and crony capitalism.

The state has become more powerful butressed by technology and ultra nationalist organizations have dominated such the EU, the WHO, the UN etc;.

Washington has become an all powerful tyranny backed by the intel agencies, Big Tech, Big Pharma and the military industrial complex.

The Bushes and the neo cons were the antithesis off Reagan and Thatcher.

The war on terror led by Bush and the neo- cons has led to an overly powerful administrative state which has spread its tentacles and influence throughout the west.

The government and its surveillance arms, the NGOs, the supra national organizations, the Big Monopolies all work in cahoots creating a massively powerful surveillance control system. It is not clear who is in control - maybe they all have a hand on different parts of the control system sharing the control, wealth and power.

In summary the current situation cannot be blamed on libertarianism but the opposite - Marxism, crony capitalism, corporatism, globalism and the rise of the technocratic surveillance state- all of which are the antithesis of libertarianism. I will definitely vote for the Libertarian Party- what is the alternative - tweedle dee and tweele dum?

I generally agree with Paul but not on this matter. I think he should read a bit more of Jeffery Tucker and the Brownstone Institute and tune into the Liberty Report with Ron Paul!

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