One of the few growing Catholic parishes in W.A. was the Latin Mass parish of an Australian priest Fr. Michael Rowe. He has been persecuted for years and spent a lot of his own money fighting in the courts. A few months back he was locked out of his church. His crime, the Latin Mass.

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Comedians pushing medical procedures was one of the lows during the mad flu scam we had. No repercussions at all! shame.


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The Roman Catholic Church and its demise is not a bad thing.

I think after the universal church with few exceptions deserted us Christians, lots of people moved on or stopped coming. The churches that are growing are small house churches.

Our prayer book service during the week is the one that is growing albeit with older folk returning after covid. Our youth and children’s ministry is about the same as it was, probably less families.

So God is doing a new thing. Only time will tell. The Holy Spirit is at work. It is exciting to wait on the Lord to see how He will move.

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Trying hard to think of just one institution we have that is not infiltrated by communists and activists. This Pope, to quote Frank Costanza, is not my kind of Pope.

Anyone watch the series ‘The Young Pope’? Must have had a knowledgeable insider as an adviser…

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