Dear God, have mercy on us, save us from this tyranny. Set us free from all those elected to represent Australians, but who no longer represent them, but represent global interests instead.

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While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

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My question is how do you fight. A mass exodus from social media? Close down our emails and go back to talking to each other and using the postal service? Violence and barbarian like behaviour like we see in the pro Arab barbarians is not the answer.

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I would not pin my hopes on Dutton advocating for free speech as indicated by his comments on the e safety legislation and the commissioner herself. Dutton has the mind set of a police officer. And the police love laws, regulations and rules controlling behaviour. Its always safety first at the sacrifice of everything else- personal responsibility has no role to play- we must be ruled and in turn we must obey or face the full consequences of the so called justice system. Dutton has as much libertarian free speech sentiments as he has hair on his head. The Liberal Party is just Labor Lite. We end up in the same tyranny a bit more slowly.

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Absolutely terrifying! Is there any chance of a strong voice to bring back sanity?

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“Pick a side. And, then fight, fight, fight.”.

Hard to do if both sides of unaparty are on same and other side.

Heaven help us.


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Forget the majors. We all know in our hearts there is only one choice left.

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Watching the protests in Vic and then reading this. Do these young ones know, by osmosis or something they don't even understand that they must hone their skills. Dutton is a fuckwit. The children know more than he does and they are still babies who know less than nothing. I don't know much either, except that tyranny never ends well, especially for it's promoters. Fuckwits everywhere.

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Violence is never the answer. Those barbarians in the streets in Melbourne and ignorant and dangerous.

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Paul Collits - thank you for the link to Robert Malone’s address to the Mises Institute. It was very enlightening. I will be buying his book.

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I have a mixed response to Malone. After he sued the Breggins I lost any faith in Malone.

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