Covid certainly woke me up - I smelt a rat from the get go and never took the jab and from there started looking at all the lies -medical, political and historical that we have been told and which I used to believe!

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“Strategies to stop the bastards”

The question of our time.

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🔥👏Awesome & accurate!! 💕👏👏👏

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Definately on the prowl..great newsletter


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The bird flu thing has been shown to be a gain of function mobster. It has been tweaked to jump to mammals. Seals have been found dead.

The culling of chickens masks a horrible reality- either block off the air vents to the barns and they suffocate slowly. It takes about a week for them to die or suffocate them with foam an equally nasty form of death.

A bird sanctuary in California was found to have bird flu but they just quarantined the birds and got sick and died. The rest developed herd immunity and everything g went back to normal.

My response to panicked nonsense from government- we won’t get fooled again.

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