What a fantastic business investment. Get your solar panels up. Geo-engineer some hailstones and do it all again and again.

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A gem. Have sent it to all and sundry. Amr

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Excellent summary in an nutshell of this global idiocy which is infecting the west and which if not stopped will impoverish us and destroy the west. It already appears for the first time in history that the Russian economy is outstripping its European peers! Follow Marc Morano on TNT Radio and Climate Depot who calls out this idiocy on a daily basis.

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Excellent piece on the lunacy and the evil that currently promises to consume us all, less the 'elite'.

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And the demented minister Bowen keeps saying if nuclear was workable people would come here and invest in it- uh dah it’s banned in this country, something he fails to mention.

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Well said. Grifters - good description, because that is what they are. Cannon Brookes could even get properly dressed to accept taxpayer money for a useless scheme making something too expensive for us to buy.

No taxpayer money should go in the pockets of billionaires to solve a non existent problem.

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It is all a fraud, the United Nations and all these Freemasdon Orginusations, Chinese Ukraine, And these starting war for a new world order presents itself, wealth is being made out of it all. just as it is an opinion, can it be a conspiracy with NATO, the EU, world Governments planed Contracts for weapons all working with each other. This is a massed Genocide/Democide, written in WHO and WEF books the Grate Reset plan been going on decades.into centuries. The Distractions, the dustruction, the atomic bomb already egists, vaccines micro chips 5G, 6G is already out. The murderest Secret Socaitys, the cults are getting all of the money, the People pay, not them, these barstard satanist underground snakes, blood sucking Leach's, people eating heartless pricks, Man/Woman and their sacifices for blood, evil if hells Gates.

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A brilliant piece Paul. Since when did the nerds get to be the school yard bullies who steal other kids lunch money, whilst drawing from the principal's petty cash as payment for "taking care of the school yard.

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Good commentary on Ukraine. Bobby would be good except he embraces, climate change and abortion.

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Many valid points in this article. However lumping in your prejudice against Ukraine (and by association your support for the psychopath Putin) does not do your argument any favors.

Ukraine is fighting for survival as an independent, sovereign nation not as a satellite of some ramshackle psychotic empire.

Your grifters are striving to increase their already obscene wealth and power by promoting a scam. Somewhat like your friend Putin.

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