Wonderful Paul. One of your best. So true, so clear and so well argued

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Thanks Robin. Of all the madnesses, the expectation that we give a rat's about niceties like the official secrets act has to be up there

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Robin! You wrote my comment. As an ahem, older Canadian, now in a cohort being gently guided toward the light (MaiD), my fellow conservatives and I knew Pearson (imposing a red and white flag when until that day the borders were blue) and Trudeau’s (multiculturalism- so puzzling then and aghast now) actions were nothing to do with the well-being of our people. Now we have been knocked about and fleeced to our knees by a malign and corrupt regime- receiving their marching orders from WEF. One blow after another- then gaslit as moral cretins and islamophobes. Heaven help us - bought off with our own money- and a unionized public sector attached to the taxpayer “chest”. Some Canada Day tomorrow as Justin has told us we are not a nation but a post-nation. Assange and other voices such as Rufo, Taibbi and Steyn and Murray: there are still those upright. Many thanks Paul: your essays are a joy.

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An excellent article thanks Paul.

Does this mean it will be another 30 years before J. A. Will be seen as a hero by all?

The compliant press have done their job, regurgitating the official narrative and as a result many Australians still believe that J. A. Committed crimes like stealing military secrets.

This is their first sin: Telling the untruth. It is unlikely that will be corrected and the truth be told. That is their second sin: A son of omission. When are reporters and talking heads going to be held to account for not doing their job: reporting truth to the public. These compliant puppets have much to answer for.

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Superb combo of both journalists. Perfect. Amr

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