Thanks CMP. Good call. This probably needs its own article. Maybe "intuit" would have been a better word than "know" given the veil of secrecy surrounding gain of function research, the role of the military in bioweapons since Bush 43 from about 06, the scenario planning involved in Gates funded events like Event 201. The case is circumstantial at this time but circumstantial evidence is not necessarily weaker than direct evidence. Will Jones at the Brownstone Institute (also Lockdown Sceptics) has written about the US military work. There is also some suggestion that Pfizer had been working on mRNA vaccines years ago. Then there is the theory - highly plausible - that the virus was manufactured in the Wuhan lab then released. Equally plausible is that the vaccine was there and ready. Or very nearly ready. WARP speed and everything else about the vaccine propaganda is consistent with vaccine first then virus. I can't prove it yet, but smoking guns may emerge. I will try and find you some more sources.

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The Victorian election debacle only proved to me that the number of 'awakened' is far less than I imagined...

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Excellent analysis Paul. Thank you

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Hi Paul, I am new to your Substance and have been reading some articles written prior to my subscription. You mention in this article that we ""know" that the vaccines came before the "pandemic". I have seen this mentioned elsewhere but didn't find the source credible. Would you please point me to a sound source. Thanks & regards

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Stalin said something like this, it’s not who votes that counts it’s the people who count the votes. I suspect our democracies haven’t been by the people for the people for many years.

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