A Tale of Two Failed Tory Leaders
Australia’s former and largely unlamented former Prime Minister, Scott Morrison aka Scotty from marketing, and now, perhaps, Scotty Who? has been deposited not so gently into the dustbin of history. Increasingly, given the 148 jabs (wonderfully illustrated by Bob Moran) rendered unto Boris’s back this week and the likely bloodbath (noted by Allison Pearson) in forthcoming by-elections, it will not be long before BoJo joins ScoMo in the said dustbin. And, more than likely, he will be equally unlamented by weary, disillusioned Brits.
As it happens, Britain and Australia have quite a bit in common politically at the minute, and each nation’s Tory supporters can learn from the experience of the other. A little comparison might be in order.
One thing that British Tories can learn from the 21 May Australian election is that conservative voters like their conservative politicians to be, at least occasionally, conservative. The Australian Liberals are now largely run by so-called “Moderates” (aka Wets) and they are progressive, globalist, statist, fiscally incontinent, woke and green. Conservatives, especially social conservatives and climate sceptics, are simply railroaded out of an increasingly factionalised Party. Covid sceptics simply did not get a look-in anywhere, and the Liberal critics of the Covid State could be counted on one hand. The famed Liberal “broad church” of John Howard, who left office in 2007, has all but vanished. (The recent election, ironically, saw the departure of several of these Moderates, defeated in inner city electorates by even greener, more woke, mainly middle-aged, middle-class women “independents”). Morrison, while not himself especially green or woke, and incorrectly regarded by some on the left here as a conservative, allowed these leftist factional players and their ideologies to run over the more conservative values which previously had a home with the Liberals. This saw him abandoned by all.
An enduring lesson of Australian politics is that right wing politicians (and journalists) who attempt to cultivate their ideological opponents never win them over, but always bleed away their own support base. Differentiate yourself from your opposition, and do so on things that matter to voters. Minor parties in Australia have dubbed the two major parties here the Lib-Lab duopoly and similar epithets. James Allan, borrowing a phrase that I, in turn, borrowed from someone else, has said that the Liberals have not been “Labor-lite”. They have been Labor-heavy. So too with Boris. Does anyone in Britain think he is a conservative (whatever else he might be)? As Allison Pearson tartly observes:
We thought we were voting for Winston Churchill and we got the shifty offspring of Edward Heath and Greta Thunberg.
I don’t even need to mention some of the things that Laura Perrins has called him!
What Australian Liberals can learn from Boris’s slide into the electoral mire is that, if you cannot be conservative, at least be clear about what you stand for, and be competent at governing. Clearly Bungling Boris has been none of these. It has been said (perhaps often) that Boris is good at winning elections but poor at governing. (His potential opponent in a leadership face-off, Jeremy Hunt, is said to be the exact reverse, which doesn’t really help anyone). Well, maybe having so many different factions lined up against you suggests that the electoral love affair with the people is over as well.
What is also interesting and in parallel is that the voters in each of our countries have rejected their Tory masters for a whole range of reasons. It hasn’t been just one thing.
Modern electorates have become coalitions of voting blocs and the trick to winning and holding office is to continue to make enough of these voting blocs relatively happy with your performance. This is the interest group theory of democracy popularised (at least, popularised in American political science departments in the 1950s) by eminent scholars such as David Truman and Robert A Dahl. This theory has proven to be robust and persistent, to this day, as an explanation of voting and of election outcomes. The emergence, expansion and prosperity of industry associations and lobbying firms attests to the veracity of the theory. As does the strength of newly empowered social media political influencers. Voting blocs traditionally were united by shared economic (class) interests. Now they are united by shared, often woke, ideologies, and given instant, lethal power by platform technology.
Clearly, neither Johnson nor Morrison have been able to keep any of the tribes happy, let alone all of them. Allison Pearson’s analysis and her soundings of “real people”, (not hand-picked focus groups), make it clear that the Tories’ problem is Boris. Scott Morrison, too, grew to be disliked by just about everyone here, by one voting block after another. Conservatives, Covid sceptics, greenies, workers, anti-vaxxers, women, and Western Australians (where there was a swing against him far greater than in the rest of the country), all abandoned him in some measure. For someone who wanted to be loved by all, Morrison ended up loved by no one much at all. That is what happens when you stand for nothing and achieve nothing in office that is remotely related to your alleged world view. It is what happens to slitherers and panderers. Boris, pay attention!
What struck me about a recent British analysis of the Tory parliamentary tribes aligned against Boris is that there were six listed. This suggests that, just like ScoMo in Australia, Boris is deeply resented by many, for a range of reasons, and has let down many who had much higher hopes for him.
Like Morrison, Boris seems to have been (all but) discarded across the breadth of the electorate. The six were, in no particular order – the traditionalists, the one nationers, the 2019ers, the overlooked, the morally outraged, and the Scots. Whether the Tory parliamentary tribes neatly reflect shades of voter sentiment is another question, but it is, no doubt, a starting point guide. And yes, there is a fair bit of internecine warfare and the settling of grudges going on here.
And the six seem, surprisingly to me at least, not to include an explicitly anti-Covid zero tribe. Perhaps the one hundred or so Tory MPs who courageously voted against earlier efforts by the leadership to extend lockdown/emergency powers were evenly sprinkled across the six identified groups. Out in voter land, there must surely be at least some residual resentment of Johnson’s Covid totalitarianism, admittedly not as awful as other places (like Victoria and Austria, for example) but still ruinous of people’s lives. And, unlike Australia where our politicians have so far not been snared by photographers showing them to have been partying during lockdowns, Boris did make a noose for himself and for his heavy-handed policies that, clearly he himself and his fellow partiers, did not remotely believe in or accept as binding.
Australians perhaps did not turn to the FFMPs (freedom friendly minor parties) in the numbers many of us would have liked, and certainly the return in terms of seats won was anemic. Certainly, the election campaign was astonishingly free of any debate about Covid, either in relation to our far higher death rates in 2022 or as a referendum on zero Covid and its hideous enforcement. But several aspects of the election result here suggest a concern in voter land about Covid fascism, something that British Tories pondering Boris’s future might reflect on. These include the large number of non-voters, by Australian election standards, the over one million who did actually vote for a FFMP, the astonishing small numbers of first preference votes – historically low, and in the low thirty per cents for the Labor Party which actually won a majority government – delivered to the major parties. With a first-past-the-post system in the UK, the Tories should be worried about the possibility of similar anti-major party swings in Britain. Yes, one can overestimate the degree of popular resentment over Covid measures and mandates, and Australians certainly seem to have simply “moved on” from the previous zero Covid madness. This is despite, in our case, a massive uptick in Covid cases, hospitalisations and deaths in 2022, ironically in view of the far harsher measures doled out when we really were having a non-pandemic (in 2020-21). But do not discount a Covid fascism backlash to add to all the other Boris-hating tribes and to his electoral woes. What matters, as was the case with Scott Morrison, is when they all hate you, and for different reasons, your political goose is well and truly cooked.
There is one last striking parallel between the two countries’ political predicaments. Both Johnson and Morrison deserve(d) to be punished for their crimes and misdemeanours, and one of the main jobs of elections (and leadership contests) is to punish bad governments and bad leaders. Elections are never simply contests between two opposing sides. They are also referenda on government performance. Not heaving bad governments and awful leaders out of office is simply to reward them for their woeful performance, irrespective of what the incumbents’ backers might say about the quality of the other side (respectively, Jeremy Hunt and the Australian Labor Party). I see that one of BoJo’s backers is, indeed trying this line (that Jeremy Hunt is Theresa May in trousers, but without the charisma. Very funny, to be sure).
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Liberal Party backers in Australia ran the same line at the election, in spades.
The other side may, indeed be worse, though in both cases that is open to debate, especially when the other party is untried. But ultimately it is irrelevant.
So, yes, there are some important lessons to be learned for each of our two countries from the other, as conservative politicians and voters in both Britain and Australia ponder rocky times and much contentious ideological debate ahead. And if Boris did take steps to reconsider his approach to governing, why would anyone actually believe him? ScoMo, too, promised to change his ways if re-elected. Not many in Australia believed him either.
Paul Collits
9 June 2022